Ever-Rising Soul Transformation Journey


This is a year-long program that will change your life in every way! Are you feeling that inner calling to level-up your life and transform in ways you didn’t even know were possible? This package offers you one-on-one private coaching with Marissa that incorporates all aspects of healing and soul purpose alignment practices and protocols. You will dive deep into your life and personality and work to release trauma and blocks that are holding you back from creating the life you want. Re-programming subconscious beliefs, healing your blocks and aligning with your most authentic self is a process and practice. This gives you 12 months of personalized sessions where she will walk you through how to implement the program in a way that is most successful for you. Her intuitive gift is being able to see where you are holding yourself back and how to release those blocks.

You will work with Marissa via zoom sessions each week. The first week will include 2 sessions to go over the in-depth questionnaire that offers a blueprint for your program. You will then have 1 session every week for a year (minus 4 weeks during holidays.)

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This is a year-long program that will change your life in every way! Are you feeling that inner calling to level-up your life and transform in ways you didn’t even know were possible? This package offers you one-on-one private coaching with Marissa that incorporates all aspects of healing and soul purpose alignment practices and protocols. You will dive deep into your life and personality and work to release trauma and blocks that are holding you back from creating the life you want. Re-programming subconscious beliefs, healing your blocks and aligning with your most authentic self is a process and practice. This gives you 12 months of personalized sessions where she will walk you through how to implement the program in a way that is most successful for you. Her intuitive gift is being able to see where you are holding yourself back and how to release those blocks.

You will work with Marissa via zoom sessions each week. The first week will include 2 sessions to go over the in-depth questionnaire that offers a blueprint for your program. You will then have 1 session every week for a year (minus 4 weeks during holidays.)

Every week our session will have a check-in portion where we will assess how progress is going, re-align for the next week based on last week’s work and create a new focus for the following week. We will fine-tune every week so you can elevate your practices for the highest level of growth. Then we will build on these foundational practices by adding in new pillars of self-care and self-understanding with monthly topics as shown below.

  • Month 1: Getting Started. We will create an Ever-Rising Soul Blueprint for your transformation process that is personalized to you. You will get your guided visualization meditations that are specific to your healing journey and releasing your blocks. I will give you our general nutrtion protocol to get started on as well.

  • Month 2: Trauma and Toxic Stress. We will go over how your beliefs are formed and how your nervous system is reacting to life based on the toxic stress and trauma you have experienced. We will cover many tools and practices that are the foundational work of this program and will be implemented regularly.

  • Month 3: Somatic Practices. Getting your nervous system into a Ventral Vagal state of Safety and Connection on a daily basis is essential to your healing and transformation journey. We will work on many techniques to calm system and build your felt sense and resilience.

  • Month 4: Relationships. We will go over the different types of attachment styles and how they show up in your life. We will open up your awareness to how your attachment style plays out in your relationships and how to build new relationship dynamics that are healthy and secure.

  • Month 5: Birth Chart Influences. We will go over your birth charts and look at key aspects of your Human Design and Astrology Charts to better understand your soul purpose from these perspectives. This will begin to pinpoint your gifts, life lessons and soul path in this lifetime.

  • Month 6: Self-Care Practices. We will go through many health and healing protocols that can help you in your transformation and healing journey, finding the ones that best align with your lifestyle and preferences.

  • Month 7: Nutrition. We will spend time educating you on how the food you eat affects your moods, cravings, mental health and digestive system and then give you simple guidance how to use food to heal your body. There are no supplements required, just food as medicine. If you are looking to do some deep healing, you can choose do a guided juice-fast protocol during this time.

  • Month 8: Movement. We will develop a personalized movement program for your specific goals, lifestyle and fitness level. We will build your movement capacity throughout this entire year, but this month focuses more on different types of movement that feel good and how to know if it is beneficial to your longevity and well-being.

  • Month 9: Home. We will go over the importance of creating a personalized space that feels safe and nourishing. You will set up systems in your environment that support your transformation journey and set you up for success.

  • Month 10: Dis-ease and Pain. We will go over how unprocessed and unhealed emotional and mental trauma creates pain and illness in the body. How the tissues of our body hold muscle memory and how our brain is part of our nervous system that processes threat and safety through our body.

  • Month 11: Manifestation. The Laws of the Universe are in play in our lives as much as gravity is. We can create the life we want by what we believe to be possible, what we believe to be true about ourselves and how we are making our desires come true. Although we will have already been working on much of unblocking and manifesting throughout this year, we will dive even deeper into shifting energy in specific areas of Career, Relationships, Money, Love and so much more.

  • Month 12: Soul Aligned Purpose. Now that you have done so much healing and transformation, you can begin to fine tune what your Authentic Self wants and what you are here to do in this life. We will pull in all aspects of your gifts, talents, desires, manifestation goals, archetypes and develop your most Soul-Aligned Purpose Blueprint.